Saturday, October 21, 2023



Mighty brother, in this ode I sing,

A testament to our bond, a steadfast thing.

Nurtured by time, twenty years and more,

Deep-rooted friendship, forever to endure.

Lifting each other up, helping us withstand.

Amidst the trials we faced, hand in hand,

Mesmerized by the wisdom the Bible imparts,

A guiding light, etching truth in our hearts.

Bound by a love that was sacrificed.

Above all, we are brothers in Christ,

Leaning on verses, their words embraced, amidst the chaos, they guide and encase.

Everlasting friendship, like a sweet melody, etched tenderly like a symphony of memories

Nights filled with laughter, days drenched in tears, Love and support, throughout the passing years.

Divine connection, a gift from above, Leading us closer, embodying brotherly love. And as we journeyed, side by side, Mirrored footsteps, walking in stride.

Lifting our spirits, we found solace and peace, A sanctuary of faith, where worries cease.

, etched tenderly. Majestic moments we shared, woven with care, A tapestry of blessings, beyond compare.

Basking in the grace, His love bestowed, A friendship blossoming, as seeds were sowed. Abounding with joy, our souls entwined, Living proof of God's love, divinely designed.

Eternal gratitude, my dear Mandla Mabale, For being the brother who never shall fail. May our bond continue, unbreakable and strong, A testament of love, forever we belong.

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